Sunday, 10 January 2021

When you are unwell.


(c) Harish Davda

(c) Harish Davda

(c) Harish Davda

When you feel unwell with a cold or any other health issues, besides rest, your body is asking for your attention. When you give that attention there is something deeper. Give some time to this part of you. This is probably your 'inner being' or your 'consciousness' Observe within to see what it is saying. It may be asking questions which only you can answer. For example, it may ask:

  • Who are you?
  • Why are you here?
  • Where are you going?
  • What do you need to do?

Or, it may ask:

  • What are you grateful for?
  • What is your life's purpose?
  • How will your deal with those issues at work?
  • How will you improve your personal relationship with someone close to you?

Such precious moments throw up questions, the answers of which do not come from your mind - the answers come from a much deeper place - your inner being.

Just to clarify, being unwell does not mean physically unwell. The insights can come in other situations such as when being sad, feeling low or even depressed. Or, in your meditation or a prayer. Such triggers are invaluable if we deal with them wisely and skilfully.

Recently I had a bad cold and spent few days in bed: I was really suffering.  Then  after my meditation on day one, a number of questions came up - the answers included identifying what I was grateful for, titles and firm ideas about new workshops and confirming my purpose. 

Reach out to yourself from within. It may change your life and create more joy for you :-) . It may serve you better than your analytical mind.


Harish Davda works as an Enneagram and Conscious Business Coach and Trainer. He also leads a weekly online Meditation Group. He can be contacted via email:

Facebook and Instagram: @harishdavdacoach

(C) Harish Davda 2021


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