Tuesday, 5 January 2021

Space and Meditation

Photo (c) Harish Davda 2021

Photo (c) Harish Davda 2021

This blog is based on questions I'm often asked about meditation.

If I'm asked a question, 'what is meditation? Or, 'why should I meditate?' my answer is very simple:

1. Regular meditation helps us to experience what is outside of our thinking and thoughts. We spend over 95% of our waking hours in our head, mind, our thinking. We identify with the majority of our thoughts.  We gain a vast amount of knowledge through formal and informal learning and by analysing. 

2. Meditation, if properly practiced takes us out of our thinking mind and we are then able to experience a reality different from our inquiring mind. Initially, this could only be for one or two minutes at a time. This is where our true self - our consciousness resides, outside of our mind in space. With experience we can create space even outside of our meditation. For example, when you are looking at a tree or a mountain top, you learn to come out of your judgemental and enquiring mind. You do not ask questions, you simply be and experience your presence and the presence of everything and everyone around you. You become your authentic self instead of a person, a slave to your egoic personality. Gradually, your personality will begin to change, you become in charge of your thoughts even if initially it's for a few minutes a day.

3. So all the above is possible with a few minutes of daily meditation. Initially you mind, your ego will fight with you. It will tell you that

- You don't have time.
- Other things are more important. 
- Don't waste your time. 
- You cannot control your thoughts etc.

You have to decide who is in charge, your mind/thoughts/ego or your authentic self - your consciousness.

I hope you find this blog useful.

If you would like to join my online meditation group and meet a diverse yet like minded meditators, contact me for more information.

Harish Davda works as an Enneagram and Conscious Business Coach and Trainer. He also leads a an online Meditation Group. He can be contacted via email:

Facebook and Instagram: @harishdavdacoach

(C) Harish Davda 2021


  1. I find your blog very helpful. The possibility of enjoying a different reality away from our busy mind through meditation is very motivating.

  2. thank you so much for dropping in and your comments.

  3. Your website is really cool and this is a great inspiring article.
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