Isn’t life an illusion at least at some level?
Often what we expect does not happen
Most goals remain unachieved by us
Sometimes things happen unexpectedly
We are then surprised and consider ourselves lucky
There is no magic formula about understanding life
The more we think about life’s reality
The more things appear unreal
Perhaps it is all a dream
We can go with the flow and enjoy the ride
There is no meaning to anything
Except what is falsely convinced by the ego
If you ever get beyond the mind
You’ll discover that there is nothing there
Just emptiness.
We can create something from emptiness
Be careful, the ego might take over.
Harish Davda works as an Enneagram and Conscious Business Coach and Trainer. He also leads a an online Meditation Group. He can be contacted via email:
Facebook and Instagram: @harishdavdacoach
(c) Harish Davda 2023