Fear is created by the thinking mind or thoughts. This is the work of the ego..
Uncertainty is experienced when we go with the flow with the help of presence. Presence is experienced when we are in the now. This is when we observe without judgement. If you are new to this, try this: Sit in a comfortable position, on a chair or a thick cushion, with your back straight. Close your eyes. Concentrate on your breathing. Become aware of breathing in and breathing out. Concentrate for few minutes. Now, identify the gap between breathing in and breathing out. It may only last for few seconds. What you experience is your presence. If you do this exercise often, your presence will last longer.
When we breathe consciously, with awareness, we are not thinking, our mind is not involved. The ego has no power over us. Try this out when you find yourself in a stressful or unpleasant situation: Before you become the victim of your reaction (initiated and executed by the ego), breathe deeply few times (nobody will notice!) Then respond and or take appropriate action. The chances are, you will have responded via your presence (or consciousness) instead of it being an egoic reaction.
Fear, on the other hand is either coming from the past, from the patterns created or from anticipation of future events not turning out according to our expectations The ego might say, 'it hasn't worked in the past, you messed it up' or 'you will fail again, you have to work harder'. Listening to the 'noise' created by the ego (mind) causes stress, often felt negatively by the body with negative reactions. It can even make us ill. This is when the presence, with the help of breathing can come to the rescue. The mind begins to switch off. The presence takes over. You are in the 'now'. You are now uncertain but not controlled by the ego. You now will know what action to take, and go a little further, and will enjoy the journey to wherever you are going.
"Presence is not some exotic state that we need to search for or manufacture. In the simplistic terms, it is felt sense of wakefulness, openness and tenderness that arises when we are fully here and now with our experience"
- Tara Brach
"That's life, starting over, one breath at a time"
- Sharon Salzberg
- Tara Brach
"That's life, starting over, one breath at a time"
- Sharon Salzberg
(c) Harish Davda 2020
Harish Davda works online as an Enneagram and Conscious Business Coach and Trainer. He also leads an online Meditation Group.
Harish can be contacted via email: harish.davda@gmail.com