Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Some insights into meditation

Photo (c) Harish Davda

Photo (c) Harish Davda

Meditation is not about blocking the mind
or controlling thoughts. You can't.

It is not tied to any religion although in many 
spiritual traditions there has always been something 
like meditation or similar so that those following the
spiritual path can go deep within themselves and 'be 
touch with themselves.'

Meditation is not time consuming. Anything from
5 to 20 minutes, twice a day, everyday, is sufficient. 
Later on, when you begin to get into it, you will know 
how much time to spend. The main thing is that you 
follow the technique properly.

So, what is meditation? It is finding a quiet time
for yourself, preferably in the same place, away 
from any disturbance or distraction such as your 
smart phone.

Sit with a straight back, with not too much tension, 
on a chair or on Zafu (meditation cushion).

Close your eyes, take few deep breaths. Then 
concentrate on your breathing. Then just 'be'. 
If thoughts come, don't dwell on them 
(challenging in the beginning),  gently go back to 
breathing, count from one to five. Carry on for 5 to 
20 minutes. Then open your eyes. Use a gentle 
sound with the help of a timer to remind you when the
time is up. You can download an app. there are many 
to choose from. I use 'Insight timer' app which also 
has various guided meditations of various lengths; 
the basic version is free! What I have just described 
is 'mindful meditation'. It's a good way of starting to 
learn to meditate. There are other types of meditation 
as well. Keep an eye on my future blogs!

So, what are the benefits of meditation? By going 
into your inner world where your mind is least active, 
after meditation, when you come back into the outer 
world, you will gradually begin to notice some of the 
You will be relaxed and peaceful, you will
probably become deeper and begin to see some of the 
things, for example your behaviour and other people's 
behaviour clearly. You will begin to judge other people 
and events less. This will not happen overnight but 
after some serious, regular practice. You may also 
sleep better.

Sometimes negative emotions may arise during your 
meditation. By accepting these emotions, you will 
learn about its source. You will know how to deal
with them when you come back to your outer world. 
This will help you to grow. More on this in another

Drop me a line and let me know how you are getting
on with your meditation.

See my video on this topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YojdUKEVuVA

I love this quotation by Thich Nhat Hanh:

Photo credit: Instagram @thichnhathanhquotecollective

(c) Harish Davda - 2020
Enneagram and Conscious Business Coach/Consultant/Trainer
Instagram: @harish.davda